
Marriage Counseling Manhattan Beach | Five Things to Think About Before you Cheat on your Spouse

By: Cathy Chambliss

Date: September 24, 2015

Woman ready to remove her wedding ring

Ashley Madison has been in the news a lot lately. Someone hacked their site and thousands of men and women who had profiles on that site were at risk of being exposed causing great potential damage to many families. This articles discusses five things to think about before you cheat on your spouse .

  1. First ask yourself, why do you want to cheat? Is your sex life with your spouse stagnant? Do you feel disconnected emotionally from them? Has you or your spouse checked out of the marriage due to conflict that you can’t resolve? Are you feeling unattractive and need more positive attention from the opposite sex to feel better about yourself? All of these issues can be addressed with your spouse in marriage counseling especially if you have a partner who is willing to work on the marriage. Many people are surprised to learn that effective couple’s counseling can teach couples how to reconnect both emotionally and physically.
  2. Is cheating worth the risk of losing your family? There is a possibility if you get caught that your spouse will not want to work through the cheating. Most spouses that are cheated on feel incredibly betrayed and angry . Some will work through it, but there is a percentage of spouses that just will not. Is cheating worth not seeing your kids on a daily basis and having to dissolve your assets uprooting everyone’s life?
  3. What if you fall in love with the person you are cheating with and then have to break up with them to keep your family intact? Many people that get caught cheating have fallen in love with the person that are having a relationship with and then have to grieve the loss of that person while starting to work on their marriage. It is painful and gut wrenching and makes it hard to focus on improving their marriage.
  4. What kind of example are you setting for your kids? Don’t we want to teach our kids through our behaviors? Don’t we want our children to have happy intact marriages some day? Research shows that kids who grow up with a parent that cheats, has a higher chance of cheating on their spouse some day.
  5. Did your marriage vows mean anything to you when you said them? If you promised your partner fidelity and to work through better or worse, then you will feel better about yourself if you stay in integrity and keep your promise to your spouse.

In my experience, cheating created incredible pain and suffering to everyone involved. These are five things to think about before you make a decision that could change the direction of your life.

Marriage Counseling in Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and the South Bay by Cathy Chambliss can help. Let me help you with your marriage, the right time is now. Manhattan Beach  and Hermosa Beach expert.

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